Sunday, December 6, 2009

Would anybody like to sponsor a community ICT suite in a school?

We are looking for a sponsor to equip a community based ICT suite in a school. The sponsor would benefit from their products being showcased in the suite together with advertisement in the local community.

Would anybody like to sponsor a community ICT suite in a school?live com

Write to Mrs Victoria Beckham and ask her for some of her old clothes, do a boot fair and raise the cash in just one day.

Would anybody like to sponsor a community ICT suite in a school? music

get some of David Bechams trainers he only wears them once I'm sure they would bring a good price

Creating a Blog Community?

So my family and I would like to create a blog or something similar where we can all post healthy recipes and review it. Let others know what we think and what we may substitute in the future to make it better. What is a good website where we can set up our own blogging community? I have checked out several but have yet to find one that is user friendly and still customizable the way we would want it to be.

Creating a Blog Community?myspace cursors

l think there are many on the web search and it seems to go on and on, l think you need to keep looking and come up with one you like.

Yahoo geocities is a nice personal web site to build on. But there are more. even for beginners

Creating a Blog Community? quizzes

Yahoo! 360 - even with all it's glitches, it can do something that simple.

Technically, if you have a Yahoo ID, then you already have 360. It's one of Yahoo's free services that involves social networking and combines many Yahoo! services into one area. It stays dormant until you activate it. Check out an old press release that explains "What is Yahoo! 360?": .

Everyone sets up their 360 space. Everyone connects to each other. Everyone makes their blog viewable and comment accessible by only their connected friends. Updates to the blogs show up on each other's "Home" pages. Everyone can comment on each other's blog entries that contains the recipes.

Setting up a website is going to take too much time. Just use what's already available to you. If you want the recipes all on one blog, then set up a new Yahoo ID and share the login information amongst the group. Although, when posting comments, each person would have to identify themselves.

I'm not sure what you mean by customizable, but you can create your own background, add multiple images, music, video to a 360 space. See my starred posts by clicking on my avatar and scrolling down to click on my "Starred Questions" tab, which explains how to do all of those things.

Where can I find a German Community in MA?

I thought it would be cool for my German club to maybe visit a German community if there is one...We're near Woonsocket RI which really only has Itallians so that doesnt help lol..know of any communities?

Where can I find a German Community in MA?good myspace

the link below might help. good luck!

A question for Community Guideline nit-pickers and subjects thereof. .?

What would happen if everyone strictly followed

Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines

without any ambiguity or nuance whatsoever?

What proportion of questions would still be around?

A question for Community Guideline nit-pickers and subjects thereof. .?backgrounds for myspace

If the CG + TOS are strictly followed the users would not receive violations and accounts would not be suspended. There would be 100% of accounts still around and the same for Q%26amp;A.

The ambiguity you mention is the only way out for Yahoo, they can not cover all possible violations that may occur to the users. This may be avoided if you see search for a web site called calitorial/glossary which is absolutely safe to use.

Life would be very much better for all and we could be in peace with each other.


A question for Community Guideline nit-pickers and subjects thereof. .?myspace games

Very few, I think...

REAL Questions, Ambiguity, and Nuances cause controversy...

Nit-Pickers HATE controversy (unless THEY are in charge).

So, Nit-Pickers HATE The Above...

A fact - in ALL of Real Life.
One can only hope those nonsense questions would no longer exist. But to be honest, I doubt the reporting numbers would change. New people will continue to come, which is more people who don't realize what they are asking or answering are violations. I would love to see the day when there are no more totally nonsense questions like "am I pretty?", "What should I have for lunch?", etc., etc., and instead just questions that someone truly needs an answer to, and questions that promote answers that will help others as well. I doubt that day will ever come.
There are two side to your question. One side would pertain to the "entertainment crowd" who would find another outlet for their puropse of Q%26amp;A which by and large has no value for the main purpose of why Yahoo created the database.

The other side would still be around giving and shareing useful information without the hassle of having to stop and send a violation report.
I have noticed that a great number of people answer stupid questions with stupid answers just to gain points. As you will see from my profile I will refuse to answer them. It annoys me though to see them as it wastes time identifying questions to which people really would like factual information.

If those amongst us who sincerely wish to be helpful cease from answering the questions I refer to they will merely reduce their points to such a level it will be pointless in their continuing posting such questons.

When such questions are posted why not vote "no suitable answer.

I am all for questions which ask for opinions albeit at the risk of controversy. All this really indicates is that there is a wide spectrum of people out there with varying opinions and to which they are quite entitled. Some of those which I have read sometimes sway me.

I expect I will get 100plus thumbs down for this answer!!!
Just to prove your arguement kev, my answer is the duck billed platypus, oh and have a thumbs up for thinking the world is against you ;-)

Ps i dont care about the points, i answer most questions in the spirit they are intended, well ahem maybe i do wander into subjects i really should stay away from (such as womens health and religion) and place a few er choice remarks but hey! whats the point of life if we cant have a bit of fun? i think my 360 page says it all! ;-)
Probably not very many. Seems the truth and the power of the people is in a very narrow central flow where rules and regs are met with human behavior and rebellion! :O)))))
Intelligent, thought provoking questions are far and few between. Unfortunately there are far too many think skinned nitpicking yahoos out there!

You are right! There are far too many stupid (insipid) questions posted! I ignore them hoping they will go away.

I do hope that they also READ other posts thereby possibly raising their IQ by osmosis.
My grade seven teacher once said

"In any conversation there is what I am saying,

What I think I am saying

and what is being heard."

Unfortunately there will always be people who like to torment others(my brother was great at this I am over 50 and still have nightmares)

if people are involved you will have ambiguity.

please punctuate the following

the boy said the man was stupid

I think that most questions would still be here --I still believe that most people are good and mean well

An online art community for minors?

Well, does anyone know of an online art community for teens/minors. I already know about Are there any others?

An online art community for minors?div myspace

I'm not sure what age you consider are two I am aware of...

Where can I find a German Community in MA?

I thought it would be cool for my German club to maybe visit a German community if there is one...We're near Woonsocket RI which really only has Itallians so that doesnt help lol..know of any communities?

Where can I find a German Community in MA?good myspace

the link below might help. good luck!

How can a community be a learning center?

Schools with Community Extension Programs

Social Workers

People working in Museums

People working in the Parks

How can a community be a learning center?love girls myspace

Here on Cape Cod, we have all different kinds of communities. I'm sure most places do. Looking in the paper for your local community events can show you which kinds of activities that are going on and joining an outing or two (usually most are only an hour or so) will show you what your town and it's people are all about. Go sit on your main street and watch the people go by, you can learn alot from their way of walking and holding themselves. (Make sure you say Hello, Good day, or nod your head). Everyone needs a smile, it actually will make them smile also, this also enriches the community. There is an old saying "It takes a whole village to raise a child". I guess this applies to all of us. We learn from all around us, our community, where we live.

How can a community be a learning center?different myspace

if we all agree to work together as a community then we will be able to teach one another, i.e we will always be learning new things from others since we will be listening to each other and discussing problems together

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